Federal Climate Funds for Communities

Since forming in 2019, the Green New Deal Network has pushed for big, ambitious federal investment in climate, care, jobs and justice.

After years of campaigning and compromise, the US now has 3 major federal investment packages signed into law - the Inflation Reduction Act (2022), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (2021), and the American Rescue Plan Act (2021) as well as Federal commitments to environmental justice through the Justice 40 Initiative.

Now, the key is implementation - letting communities decide how these funds will be used and building power at the state level to get the funds to communities.

Memos & Reports

Federal Wins Towards a Green New Deal

Inflation Reduction Act: Wins & Harms

How IRA money flows to communities

How IRA generates millions of clean economy jobs & supports a just transition for fossil fuel workers

Federal Implementation - Deadlines & Key Dates for Grants and Agency Engagement Opportunities

What does the Inflation Reduction Act mean for organizers at the state level?


GNDN is hosting a series of workshops for our state tables on federal implementation from winter 2022 to summer 2023. Check out the recordings and materials from these workshops!

  • December 2022: Inflation Reduction Act: Opportunities for GNDN State Campaigns” led by Rachel Patterson from Evergreen Action - check out the slidedeck & recording of Rachel’s presentation on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants, and the tax credits. 

  • January 2023: “Inflation Reduction Act Implementation Workshop: A Step Towards Co-Governance, if we want it” led by Adrien Salazar from Grassroots Global Justice Alliance - check out the slidedeck & recording of Adrien’s presentation about the history of the push for the THRIVE agenda and opportunities for administrative advocacy and co-governance through federal implementation work.

  • March 2023: “Applying for EPA Funds with the Environmental Protection Network” led by Jamie Zwaschka and Kya Williams from the Environmental Protection Network (EPN) - Check out the slidedeck and recording from our workshop, where we walked through the registration and application process for two upcoming EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grant programs and shared capacity building resources available through the EPN.