FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 25, 2021
Contact: Sumer Shaikh, Green New Deal Network,, 774-545-0128 

New TV Ads Call On Sen. Sinema to Show Independence from Corporations by Voting for Build Back Better
Six-figure “What the ?” TV ad questions why Sen. Sinema is blocking federal bill that would advance climate justice, affordable healthcare, new jobs 

PHOENIX, A.Z.—Arizona Working Families Organization announced today that it has begun airing a new TV ad over the weekend calling Senator Kyrsten Sinema out for blocking passage of the full Build Back Better Act (BBB), which would create 125,000 in-state jobs, while tackling the climate crisis and reducing the cost of healthcare. 

The TV ad notes the contributions Sen. Sinema has received from corporate interests and asks what happened to her pledge to be independent of corporations and to protect her constituents.  Notably, Sen. Sinema received nearly $1 million dollars from big pharma groups who oppose reduced drug prices. She also has received nearly $71,000 from donations and contributions from big oil firms and executives, including Exxon Mobil, an industry actively spending hundreds of thousands to fight climate and clean energy provisions in the Build Back Better Act.

The full ad can be watched here

The ad began airing today on Sunday public affairs shows in the Phoenix and Tucson markets, and will continue on broadcast, cable, and digital over the coming week. The ad is part of a state-wide campaign by public interest organizations to pressure Sen. Sinema to side with Arizonians that has included rallies, birdogging, and digital ads.

This week, activists will participate in a walkout at Arizona State University where, ironically, Sen. Sinema is a professor teaching a course on fundraising. Activists from the coalition are also traveling to Washington D.C. on Monday to try and secure a meeting with Sen. Sinema to urge her to side with Arizonians and declare her independence from corporate interests by supporting a full Build Back Better Act. 

If passed, the full Build Back Better framework would invest $70.6 billion in Arizona, creating 125,000 jobs statewide in clean energy, transportation, providing care to those who need it, building infrastructure, and more. Build Back Better would also cut harmful climate pollution. With the state on the frontlines of the climate crisis, a just and equitable transition to clean energy is imperative to prevent the ever-increasing rise in deadly heat, wildfire, and drought. 



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