Green New Deal Network Calls on President Biden, Congress, and Local Elected Officials to Act on Climate, Care, Jobs and Justice with 100+ Earth Day Mobilizations and New Ads

April 26, 2022
Contact: Sumer Shaikh,, 774-545-0128 

WASHINGTON D.C. — Following Earth Day weekend rallies, where tens of thousands of Americans called on all levels of government to act on climate, care, green jobs, and justice, the Green New Deal Network will launch digital and mobile billboard ads demanding that President Biden and Congress invest in a just transition to clean and reliable energy to protect our planet and people from the climate crisis. 

"There's no better time for Congress to deliver an investment to tackle climate change and create millions of good-paying union jobs across our care economy," said Mary Kay Henry, International President of SEIU. "Both could not be more urgent. Our population is aging rapidly, requiring more caregiving, and weather-related disasters are becoming more frequent and severe, upending communities, especially Black, brown and immigrant communities that also make up the caregiving workforce. By investing in care and climate, we can make our nation more resilient and lift entire communities out of poverty and harm's way."

Watch video testimonials of activists and community members across the country sharing why they rallied for Earth Day weekend 2022 here

On Earth Day weekend, tens of thousands of Americans in 40 cities, including Washington, D.C., rallied to call for climate justice and green jobs. In D.C., over a thousand people rallied outside the White House to hold the Biden administration and Congress accountable for their promises to act on climate, care, jobs, and justice. Building on this momentum, the Green New Deal Network will place ads in D.C. specifically targeting the Senate and President Biden to deliver on their promises to protect communities from climate, economic, and racial injustices  as they return from recess. 

“Fighting for our future is more than just a slogan. It’s about demanding that those who we elected actually show up to represent our best interests. It is vital that we invest in our planet and people so that we can ensure justice for our communities,” said Angelica Zamora, AZ Green New Deal Network Political Manager. “There is a small window of opportunity to reverse the damage of the climate crisis and provide vital resources that families in Arizona, and across the country, need to thrive. We need public officials to not waste this moment, but join us in rallying for the security of our future."

“Congress must invest in climate, care, jobs, and justice. People are being evicted, living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to afford child or elderly care, and unable to find liveable wage jobs,” said Robin Lockett, Regional Director at Florida Rising. “These issues will further be amplified by climate change for frontline communities. Our brothers, sisters, and neighbors can’t wait!”

“Poor infrastructure and dire climate conditions have impacted cities and towns all over the country, with communities of color, and low-income and rural communities bearing the worst of the burden,” said Alÿcia Bacon, Mothers Out Front, Capital Region New York Organizer. “To meet these challenges we must adequately implement climate laws that mitigate these risks.The CLCPA is  the most progressive climate legislation passed in the country, serving as the state precedent for the federal “Justice 40,” which delivers 40% of the benefits of federal climate change-related investments to disadvantaged communities. It is crucial that we invest in local climate action and put strong environmental justice protections into place both state-wide and nationally. It is time for our lawmakers to put money where their mouth is and invest in our communities and future."

Photos and videos of the D.C. rally are available here and pictures from events across the country are available here. View previews of the advertisements here


About the Green New Deal Network

The Green New Deal Network is a 50-state campaign with a national coordinating table of 15 organizations: Center for Popular Democracy, Climate Justice Alliance, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Greenpeace, Indigenous Environmental Network, Indivisible, Movement for Black Lives, MoveOn, People’s Action, Right To The City Alliance, Service Employees International Union, Sierra Club, Sunrise Movement, US Climate Action Network, and the Working Families Party.


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